Managing Graduation StressGraduation season is stressful for kids — and parents!  There’s a whirlwind of extra studying, big tests, late nights and academic pressure, all leading to the big day of emotional moments, partings from friends, visiting family members and special events.

With all the excitement, take time to help prepare yourself and your graduate:

  • Plan for down time. Just an hour here and there can help everyone break from the chaos.
  • Try to get EXTRA sleep. Bodies that work under stress need more sleep.
  • Eat right. Good fuel makes your engine run better.
  • Tell your kids how proud you are. Even if their accomplishments fell short of expectations.
  • Manage your house guests. Think twice before you host lots of out-of-town family members. They may distract you from the big events of graduation.
  • Advise your kids on graduation party rules. Tell them how you expect them to conduct themselves, and help them avoid high-risk behavior by not giving them alcohol or renting them a hotel room! (Yes, parents in our practice do these things for their teens)

Most of all, ENJOY this crazy time! Life is a journey and it’s all about appreciating each step you take with your children!