In our continued efforts to proactively keep children healthy who visit our clinic, Eugene Pediatrics has made changes to our clinic spaces:

  • Every person entering our clinic will continue to be screened for fever before entering the building. Only healthy people will be seen in the main part of clinic, while feverish or sick kids will wait in their car and be seen in a quarantined back section of the clinic.
  • Train tables, toys and books have been removed from the waiting rooms and medical exam rooms—please bring your own books or toys to entertain your children if you would like.
  • Physicians will wear eye protection, masks and gloves— because it’s our job to stay healthy now more than ever, and because we want to avoid any chance of spreading germs between patients.
  • We are experiencing an increased volume of calls, so please know that we are trying to get your calls answered as quickly as possible.
  • You can also email us your non-urgent requests or questions at

We will continue to use these screening and isolation efforts to protect patients, families, our staff and the community from contact with any potential cases of coronavirus (COVID-19).

What is coronavirus?
COVID-19 is caused by a member of the coronavirus family that’s a close cousin to the SARS and MERS viruses that have caused outbreaks in the past. COVID is short for coronavirus disease. This new virus and disease were unknown before the December 2019 outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Preventing the spread of illness
Social distancing, handwashing and disinfecting surfaces are critical to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Consistently practice the following:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use waterless hand cleaner frequently throughout the day.
  • To decrease the risk of infecting yourself, do not touch your face.
  • Clean all surfaces frequently with recommended cleaners.
  • Minimize contact with people who may be ill, particularly upper respiratory illness involving sneezing, coughing and congestion, as COVID-19 can be spread by droplet.
  • Avoid large public gatherings, as it increases the chance of being exposed or contracting illnesses.

Droplets containing COVID-19 can live on surfaces for several days. Thoroughly cleaning surfaces can help avoid illness. The Environmental Protection Agency published a list of cleaning agents effective against COVID-19:

Please remain calm despite the heavy media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. Know that we are studying data, taking precautions and working hard to protect children and our community. This is a quickly evolving situation, and we will continue to post updates, as needed, on our social media channels.