School tips: How to have a healthy yearIt’s back-to-school time, that moment when parents start to think about ways to help their kids stay healthy during the school year.

Here are my top tips:

  1. Vaccinate your children! Oregon is the least immunized state in the United States. School is a major source of exposure to potentially life-threatening diseases for kids. Help keep them safe by vaccinating them according to the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule.
  2. Encourage your kids to wash their hands. Frequently, and especially before eating!
  3. Feed them a healthy breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day, and will give them energy to learn and run all day.
  4. Make sure they get enough sleep. At least nine hours of sleep each night will help their learning, memory and mood the next day.
  5. Be engaged with their schooling. Ask questions and visit with their teachers early in the year. And ask us for help if you see trouble early in the school year.
  6. Give them your love. A hug as they go to school and another as they come home, no matter what happened that day when you were apart. Knowing that they have your unconditional support and adoration will help your child succeed.

School is your child’s job, so make sure you are supportive of their education in every way you can. And call us at Eugene Pediatrics if you have concerns about how your child is doing in school.