EPA parents story

As seen in Parents® Magazine. ©2014. Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.

Blessed. That’s how I felt when I was notified by Parents magazine that I had been chosen as one of America’s favorite pediatricians. Blessed that God has given me the opportunity to do something I love every day. Blessed that so many wonderful families entrust their children’s care to me. And blessed that people took the time to write so many lovely letters to the magazine on my behalf.

I am sure any one of the other 2,100 nominated pediatricians was equally worthy of winning this recognition. That I was chosen says as much about the parents in my practice as it does about my work. Your kindness in sharing your love and stories won the award.

What means the most to me is the recognition isn’t for any razzle-dazzle factors at Eugene Pediatric Associates. It wasn’t about the website or the Facebook page or the ways we are leading our region in health care reform. Or even my wonderful partners or my staff.

The letters you wrote were about the sacred moments we all shared together — you, your children and me. Together in exam rooms and at the hospital. When your beautiful babies were born, or when you were frightened because your kids were deathly sick, and we were fighting together to help them. When hard decisions were made about moments you cannot imagine as a parent. When we laughed, and when your kids amazed me.

These moments are all etched in my memory. Indeed, some of the letters were about times very early in my career.

Every time a new child joins my practice, I feel like my heart grows a little bit bigger because I have a new kid to love. If I am lucky, I’m not even halfway through my career, and so I wait eagerly to see what is in store for me. But for sure, the honor of being chosen as one of seven Favorite Pediatricians in America will be a highlight I hold dear through all my years.

Thank you for your faith in me and for sharing your beautiful kids with me. Thank you for making mine the most wonderful job in the world.

Dr B