An open letter from Dr. BTo my beloved patient families,

Every day I am aware I am not doing enough for all of you. I want to see every one of your beautiful children every time they need me, and I work tirelessly to try and do so. I come early, stay late, work kids in, work on my “days off,” and do rounds early and late in the hospital.

And yet, I still fall short.

And it drives me crazy.

I want you all to know that it is one of the greatest worries in my life because I adore every single child in my practice.

There are many reasons for my patient panel being so big that it’s hard for me to keep up:

  • I’ve been in practice for 15 years and have been deeply blessed with the referrals from obstetricians and patient families.
  • Even my “kids” who are in their late 20s often want to stay with me.
  • Dr. Velarde’s retirement switched 85 percent of his large patient panel to me. A wonderful vote of confidence, for which I am grateful. Since his patients constituted half the revenue of the practice at that time, it allowed me to keep my staff intact and pay the expenses on a complex medical office.
  • If a pediatrician closes her practice, especially to new babies, I have worried that OB referral patterns and “word on the street” would leave my panel on the decline. Most visits come from kids under age three for frequent baby checks and illnesses.
  • I have a hard time saying, “No.” If a parent calls and needs help for a sickly child and wants me to see them, I essentially always step in to take care of that child in need.

Knowing myself and these limitations, I have taken steps (on top of working really hard!) to try to ensure that your children are always under my extended care:

  • I moved my practice from a large corporate group — where it was nearly impossible to track my panel, and where I did not take care of my kids when they were seriously sick in the hospital — to the small, very personal practice at Eugene Pediatrics. Whether you see me or another provider here, I always know what’s happening because we continuously talk together about the kids we see.
  • I hired partners, both physicians and nurse practitioners, who are exceptional clinicians and will give the same level of care as I give.
  • I have recruited vigorously, bringing three new providers this summer, so patient families can choose a less busy doctor if they are frustrated with wait times to see me.
  • I have launched a Facebook page and blog to share my thoughts about parenthood and important medical information.
  • I work 24/7, 365 days, to keep track of my patients, and I continue to seek your confidence and trust in my love and care for your family.
  • If your child is very sick in the hospital or has a difficult case to diagnose, I always find a way to be there for your child.

God blessed me with every child I take care of, and I want all parents to know that it is my deepest desire to meet your needs.

Dr. B